Book review: As If I Were A River by Amanda Saint
This novel is an intriguing and thought-provoking read. From the beginning it’s like being followed by a blowing crisp packet; you know there is something behind you, and don’t know whether to feel scared or not.
The opening premise is…

It’s Monday morning and I’m back in the gym
Last week, due to a good friend being in considerable need, my usual routine got derailed. It was no big deal; I’m self-employed, child free and although life is full, and generally fast-paced, when it comes to time-management, I can be more…

And what do you do...?
This morning while I was walking Rodney, I bumped into another dog-owner; I’ll call her Sophie. She’s a lovely lady - very friendly, and we chatted for a while about our dogs, the weather, and that Sophie was late for work. I said; “Me…

September is a joyful month
This morning, well before six, I open my eyes to an (almost) audible click. September has arrived.
Wonderful, mellow September; a treasured month when we can still enjoy the warmth of a gentle sun, yet overnight the light adopts a golden…